Updated ILASS-Asia 2020 Call-for-paper
2020-06-29 12:05
21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - Asia, in Zhenjiang, China October 23-26, 2020
Announcement !!!
Considering the situation of coronavirus COVID-19, on behalf of the organizing committee of ILASS-ASIA 2020, the participants out of mainland of China are planned to attend the conference online and the corresponding registration fee will be reduced to 60 USD.
General information
Venue: Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
Conference web site
Abstract submission due July 20, 2020
Notification of acceptance of abstract: July 25, 2020 Paper manuscript submission due September 5, 2020 Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 20, 2020 Final manuscript submission due September 30,
Announcement !!!
Considering the situation of coronavirus COVID-19, on behalf of the organizing committee of ILASS-ASIA 2020, the participants out of mainland of China are planned to attend the conference online and the corresponding registration fee will be reduced to 60 USD.
General information
Venue: Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, China
Conference web site
Abstract submission due July 20, 2020
Notification of acceptance of abstract: July 25, 2020 Paper manuscript submission due September 5, 2020 Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 20, 2020 Final manuscript submission due September 30,