*Professor, Faculty of Engineering: University of Hiroshima (1968-1998)
*Visiting Professor: Wayne State University, USA (1979-80)
*Honorary Professorship (China): Shanghai Jiaotong University, Central China University of Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology
* Passed away in 2011
Prof. Hiroyasu’s Research Achievements
* HIROYASU Empirical Eqns. for Diesel Spray Comb. : Spray Tip Penetration(Hiroyasu and Arai), Breakup Length, Spray Angle, Sauter Mean Diameter(Hiroyasu and Tabata), Ignition Delay(Hiroyasu and Kadota), Soot Formation and Oxidation Rates(Hiroyasu and Nakanishi)
* HIDECS: HIroshima university/HIroyasu Diesel Engine Combustion Simulation : Package model phenomenological simulation code, Recently applied to model base control for engine combustion.
Prof. Hiroyasu’s Contribution to ILASS
He made a great contribution for the establishment and development of ILASS-Int. including;
– commitment to the organization at ICLAS-78 and ICLASS-82 as the international negotiator in the conference committees,
– management of the Tanasawa Award (Secretary: 1994-1996, Chairperson: 1997-2011),
– commitment to the ILASS-Int. organization (as a board member) (1978-1995),
– leadership as the president of ILASS-Int. (1995-1997).
Motivation of the Hiroyasu Award
The Hiroyasu Award is presented to a researcher under the age 40 (every ICLASS year) who has conducted distinguished contributions to the field of atomization and sprays.
The outlines of regulation are as follows;
- Selection committee composition
The selection committee is composed of six members. Each regional ILASS appoints two members. The chairman of the committee is appointed by ILASS-Int. President. - Nomination of candidates
Each regional ILASS nominates candidates by submitting a written proposal through the regional ILASS president. - Selection of Hiroyasu Award recipient
The members of the committee evaluate all of the proposals against previously defined criteria and requirements (TBD). The chairman summarizes the evaluations and the committee decides the award recipient. - Award and its ceremony
The ceremony of the Award is held at the banquet of the ICLASS. The Award(Plaque and Certificate) is presented by the ILASS-Int. president. - Administration committee
The administration committee approved by ILASS-Int. consists of a minimum 3 members including Prof. Hiroyasu’s disciples. The committee is responsible for Hiroyasu Award management such as final confirmation of recipient, funds and so on